Ready to Secure
Your Grind?


Don’t let fraud and chargebacks mess with your flow. With, you get the protection you need to keep your hustle strong. We’re not here to play nice with those trying to game the system.


Outsmart the Thieves

Slay Scammers

No more acceptance of chargebacks eating into your profits. At, we help you fight friendly fraud and press those shoplifters hard. Keep your cash where it belongs—with you.

Lock Down Your Hustle

With the our pre-dispute service, we catch chargebacks before they strike. We’re on alert 24/7, watching out for you.

Smart, Not Strict

We set practical limits that keep the scammers out while your legit transactions keep rolling. You get to run your game without the heavy-handed rules.


Hustle Hard.

Hustle Smart.

Your personal manager will hook you up with a custom solution for your business


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